Monday, April 26, 2010

You know you want it!!!

So, I have this AMAZING friend, Dawn who has incredible talents! She sings beautifully, she is a great teacher, an amazing mother, and now add artisan/entrepreneur to the list!
Dawn recently started a business called "Hello Dearie"! They make the CUTEST bunnies you have EVER seen out of the funkiest fabrics! Anna and I are serious fans! Anna has 2 Hello Dearie originals already, Elenor and CoCo. (They are her faves!!!)
But to add to her fabulousness, Dawn is now teaching sewing classes and making these really awesome things!!! Like this ruffle apron! YOU KNOW YOU WANT IT!!!

So check out all of her cuteness at

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Goodbye Rebecca

This has been a long and difficult journey for our friend and aunt, Rebecca Neal, but last Monday, April 12, Rebecca said goodbye. Rebecca fought a 7 year battle with cancer. She battled with class and grace and tenacity! So many were inspired by her and her response as she stared death in the eye.

Douglas and I actually lived with Rebecca for about 2 months while we were building our home in Columbia. At the time, I was frustrated because we were cramped and I didn't have my space, not to mention that I wasn't to happy to be living in Columbia at all anyway. However, I am so grateful that I had that time with Bec. We had a lot of fun together! She had the BEST skin products and she ALWAYS wanted to share! She was a free spirit and I might not have caught on to all of her lessons then, but I do appreciate that it is a nice way to live your life!

Rebecca was never able to hold Anna because the cancer had spread into her backbone and she was not allowed to lift anything over 5 pounds. She hated that! She always looked longingly at Anna as everyone else got to love on her. Well, the last few weeks, we have visited Bec several times a week and our last visit with her, which was the Saturday before she died, Rebecca said, "I AM HOLDING THAT BABY!" and she grabbed Anna and they played and laughed for quite a while. It was beautiful! I snapped about 30 pics!!! I loved it! It meant so much to all of us.

After weeks of unbearable suffering, God gave Rebecca a few good last days! God is so good. Goodbye Rebecca! We'll miss you always!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Poll: Bunny Photo Contest

Anna was selected as a finalist in a photo contest! Pleases help her win by voting daily for number 4! Thanks!

Poll: Bunny Photo Contest

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Oh, How we love the weekends!!!

Last weekend was so beautiful here! We met up with some family and took Anna and my super fabulous niece Charley to the zoo and the park in Hattiesburg! It was a great day! Anna LOVED the slide!

Newbie! I have jumped on the blogging bandwangon! But for those of you who know me well, you know not to expect a daily post! I HOPE to be a good blogger, but seriously people, I play in markers, glue, play doh, and paint all day at work, and then change diapers, make bottles, and play patty cake, in the afternoons! Not that exciting by most standards! However, somedays, magic happens! Like when Anna took her first steps or played patty cake with my mom. Those are the special things to me and the things I'll take a few minutes to share with you!