Thursday, May 27, 2010

Lord, forgive me for exposing my child to such music! Amen.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Mother's Day

Mother's Day...Can I just say that for the first time in nearly 10 years I cried for all the right reasons.

This breathtaking photo of anna, as well as the one in the post below, was taken by Mandie Newsom.

Thank you Lord that this school year is wrapping up! The last few months have been really tough with AnnaBelle being so sick.. It seems like every time we'd turn around she was running fever and one of us was having to miss work. We have become regulars at the after hours pediatric clinic in Hattiesburg! Anna knows every Dr and every nurse there like they are family! So sad!!! But finally, we are getting some relief! Anna will be getting tubes in her ears on Tuesday! I am so thankful that my little doll will feel better, but I am very nervous about it too! I am just a Nervous Nelly by nature, and i hate the thought of her having to go through this! Just say some extra prayers for us Tuesday morning if you will.
ON a happier note...I am so excited that i am about to finish up this school year that has been not-so-fun, and get to spend every waking minute with my sweetie! I will cherish those moments! Anna has grown SO fast! I can't get over the fact that I am planning her one year birthday already! Too much for this sentimental girl to handle!!!

Did I mention Anna FINALLY GOT TEETH!!! Hooray! Anna teeth, mommy more gray hair! Coincidence!?!?!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

you have GOT to be kidding me!!!

It has finally happened! I knew that it was inevitable, but I prayed that these days were far into the future for me.
For those of you who know me, and I mean who REALLY know me, know that vain is not a word that one would use to describe me. Don't get me wrong, I like nice things but I am way too cheap to by them for myself! And now that Anna Belle is here it is ALL about her!
My roots are showing, my eyebrows haven't been waxed in goodness knows how long, I havent had a manicure since before she was born, nor do I see the point, and if you work with me, there IS a reason I have not broken out the flip flops yet!!! Seriously yall, I just care way more about other things.
I have never been one to freak out as my birthdays rolled around. I was thrilled to turn 30! I thought it was so cool to be a 30 year old for some very strange reason. I have friends who really struggle with this. I mean they dread their birthdays for months, start examing their face with magnifying mirrors, taking before and after pictures as they try their newest wrinkle creams. (You know who you are;) ) I have never been that girl...until now!!!
It was just last week that it happened. I was getting ready for school. Yes, I know! That is bad enough, right??? And then I spotted it. It was shining like a beacon in my newly darkened hair! gray..."Say What????" Yes, a gray hair! It was hideous! I kinda freaked out! I mean, really freaked out. I contemplated on whether I should tell douglas or not, as if it would change something. But there I was, standing in the bathroom, a month shy of my 31st birthday having my vain, oh-my-gosh-not-me moment!
Worst part...found another one 3 days later!!! Let the dye jobs begin!!!