Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Run, Jodi, Run!

Many of you know that I recently started running. Somedays I'm not really sure why, but none-the-less, I still pound my poor knees and hyperventilate in the process. I started training with the popular Couch to 5K program, which is a gradual approach to running. Exactly what I needed, seeing as thought I have never run in my life. I thought I would die the first week. However, my running partner, whom I've mentioned before, quickly grew tired of this slow paced training schedule and we stepped it up a bit a several weeks in to it. To tell you the truth, I was scared, but excited that we had accomplished our new goals. Then...Race day!

I was a NERVOUS WRECK! Those of you who know me well know that I am not a good center of attention, competitor, "look at me" kind of girl. I was literally sick. We had gone the weekend before and gotten cute race gear (purple polka dot shorts for me and pink shorts for M). When we showed up, I got so body conscience, I wished I was running in a jogging suit!!! ANYWHOOOO...our race was on the coast at 8am. That meant we had to leave our house at 5am. To add to the sick feeling that I already had, you must realize this was the first time that I had EVER left Anna for the night! My mom and sister came to stay with her so Douglas and I could stay and enjoy the night on the coast after our race. (Oh, sweetheart, Douglas ran the race with me!)

So, I finally got out of the car, got my number, (118), and did some people watching for a little while. I don't know if that made me more nervous or what, but what else was I to do?!?!

I took some before pictures ...

7:58-Line up time...can i just say that my belly is flipping now as I type this! Whoa!

I was so nervous!!! There were HUNDREDS of people. It was so crowded. I was so sure that i would get trampled at the starting line. (Picture a "running of the bulls" kind of moment.)

8:00-The horn blows and off we go.

8:02- I pray a prayer of thanks that I did not become road kill at the starting line! (Could you imagine the humiliation!!!)

8:10-I start wondering what I was thinking doing this! I'm no runner!

8:11-A smiling little man on the side of the road handed us water. Being a newbie, I thought I was supposed to chug it like the others. NEVER again!!! This was my worse mistake! I felt like I was going to puke for the rest of the race! UGH!!!! Not to mention you have to throw your cup down on the side of the road when your done. Boo :(

8:15-Douglas starts coming up behind me.

8:15and30sec-I step it up!!!


8:18-I see the finish line but it seems miles away! I serious want to cry and vow to NEVER do this again!!! (Although we have already signed up for our next race!!!)

8:20 and 30 sec- I CROSSED THE FINISH LINE!!!!!

My legs felt like jelly and my hands were shaking. But I was finished...AND i wasn't the last one! I was soooo sure I would be the last one! In fact, I came in first in my division! So did Meagan! (Did I mention she is nearly 10 years younger that me. So we aren't in the same age group.)

All in all it was a great race and I really enjoyed it. Douglas and I had a great day after the race too. We did some shopping and ate crawfish at Hucks Cove. We woke up earlier than we EVER did before we were parents because we couldn't wait to get home to our baby! We were home by 11am. Anna had a great time with her sweet Granny and Charley. Thank goodness for sweet family to take good care of her in our absence!


  1. Yay! First in your division is awesome!

  2. That's so awesome, Jodi!! Congratulations!!

  3. Seriously, it's been two months!!!! You could at least post the birthday pics!!!!!
